F.I.D.O. - Spetember 2023
F.I.D.O. is for the countless artists who labour to perfect their work, manifest their passions and achieve success, only to be left screaming into the void for years on end. It’s about the ridiculousness of dreams and the temptation of surrender. We’re made fools by our expectations of the music industry and the life of an artist, coaxed by visions of giants from a bygone era. The iconic rockstar is dead, or worse yet, duplicated posthumously in a vapid monetary mockery. It seems impossible nowadays for an independent artist to ever get heard, break out, be seen. When art is entwined with identity, emptiness can feel like death.
Why do we even try? Where does that spark come from, and is it at all worth trying to keep it alive? If an artist is neither seen nor heard, do they even make a sound?
'Dead Bands' EP - March 2023
‘Dead Bands’ is about the chaos and uncertainty of modern times, the struggle for meaning and motivation. We all have the sense that something isn’t right. Often, we get cynical and angry. But occasionally, we get a glimpse of the magical - a moment of ecstasy - and that relief is worth living for.
This was our first EP as a full band. The title track is a celebration of the heritage of live music. From gigantic rockstars who inspired generations, to local artists who you think never got the exposure they deserved, they were all answering the same calling: blessed release. How those burning passions, die as they may, continue to smoulder in the hearts of strangers inspiring generations of sympathetic joy and creativity.
BBC Introducing Humberside
Dead Bands Music Video
Go Outside Music Video
Nirvana's 'Nevermind' 30th Anniversary Gig